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February 19, 2025

Eli Miller Obituary Nevis MN, 9th Grader Student Dies by Accident

You are cordially invited to attend a visitation that will take place at the Bismarck Funeral Home on Thursday, June 9, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. This is going to take place before the funeral ceremony is supposed to begin at the set timetable. The presentation will take place at 6:30 p.m., and at that time, friends and relatives will have the opportunity to talk to one another about their memories of Eli.

The funeral service that is scheduled to take place on Friday, June 10, 2022 at 12:30 p.m. is going to be held at Bismarck Funeral Home. The day and time of the service are still forthcoming. There is currently no information regarding the date or time of the service that has been decided upon.

A Lifetime of Love and Companionship:

There will be a live broadcast of the funeral service that will be available on the Facebook page of the Bismarck Funeral Home for those persons who are unable to attend the funeral in person. He was one of the young men, and Eli was a young man who was bursting with vigor. He was one of the young men. He was delivered into the world by his parents, Shanda Scharnowske Miller and Curtis Miller, on November 17, 2006, in the city of Denton, Texas. His grandparents were also present at the time. In the United States of America, he was born. His mother and father had established their home in the state of Texas.

Early Life and Education:

After moving to Bismarck, Eli had his formal education at Roosevelt Elementary School, Horizon Middle School, and Century High School. He also attended Century High School following his migration. His graduation from Century High School came at long last, and he was awarded his diploma. When he passed away, he was working at Dan’s Supermarket in Bismarck, which is situated in the state of North Dakota. This was the location where he was employed. Tinkering with autos and engines, riding dirt motorcycles, going camping, and having bonfires were the activities that he found to be the most enjoyable. He also found that he enjoyed most of these activities.

Survived by Beloved Relatives:

These were the activities that he discovered to be the ones that he enjoyed the most. Despite the fact that he was about to begin his second year of school, he shown a great deal of excitement at the possibility of attending summer school. He was looking forward to it. Furthermore, he attached a great deal of sentimental value to his automobile. After he had finished his education, he intended to enlist in the military as his next occupation. It was his aim to carry out the action.

Eli Miller Obituary Review

  • Full Name                        –     Eli Miller
  • Age                                  –     Not Stated
  • Place of Residence          –    Nevis MN
  • Date of Death                   –     Recently
  • Cause Of Death               –      Accident
  • Biography                    –     A life well lived
  • Impact                               –      Encouraged people to realise their full potential, persevere, and be generous
  • Survivors                           –      Family And Friends
  • Education                          –      Certified

Physical Characteristics & Distinguishing Traits:

In the aftermath of Eli’s passing, only his loving mother, Shanda, his father, Curtis, and his younger brother, Noah, have managed to pull through. Aside from them, they are the only members of Eli’s family who have made it through his passing. Although he had passed away, eleven of his siblings were still alive at the time of his passing. Additionally, it is of the utmost importance to take into account the fact that his grandparents, Dawn Brady and Becky Miller, as well as his grandfather, Mark Scharnowske, and his great grandmother, Lynn Scharnowske Lafiner, have failed to provide for him.

An intricate web of interpersonal connections:

On the other hand, there are a considerable number of individuals who are of the belief that he is wonderful. In addition to cousins, aunts, uncles, and acquaintances in general, these people are called relatives. Eli is now in heaven with his grandfather, Buddy Miller; his great grandparents, Pete and Judy Hoffmann and Jim Scharnowske; and his great great grandparents, Bill and Kay Braxmeyer.

There, Eli is surrounded by his great great grandparents. In that location, Eli is encircled by his tremendously great-great ancestors. Within that particular location, Eli is surrounded by his ancestors who are extremely great-great-great. At this precise moment, Eli is being accompanied by each and every one of these folks for the very first time.

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