The news of the passing of Arthur Shirley, the cherished Managing Director of Shirley’s Transport Ltd., brings profound sorrow to all who had the privilege...
The world mourns the loss of an extraordinary woman, Cormelia Clay, whose indomitable spirit and unwavering strength touched the lives of all who were fortunate...
The somber acknowledgment of the passing of Roger Gottschalk reverberates through our community, casting a pall over those who knew him and felt the impact...
The untimely and sudden passing of Pauline Kaczmarek has cast a shadow over the Banff community, leaving family and friends grappling with the shock of...
Cherished father of Lauryn, Saoirse, and Jayden, the departed leaves behind a void that cannot be easily filled. His love and guidance have undoubtedly shaped...
The poignant news of Kit Mitchell’s passing has cast a somber shadow over the Killyon Hurling Club and the broader community. A dedicated stalwart, Kit...
Frank Wong served as a city councilor in Red Deer for an extended period, earning a reputation for his unwavering dedication to public service. Mayor...