In the eighteen years that I have known Justin N. Sabra Briggs, she has developed into one of the most trusted friends that I have. In addition to being neighbours and coworkers, we were also growing our families together, she was like a second mother to my children, we went on holidays together, and she was my drinking partner in the garage. The list could go on and on.

Sabra Briggs Obituary Review

  • Full Name                        –  Sabra Briggs
  • Age                                  –      Not Stated
  • Place of Residence          –    Dodge City Kansas
  • Date of Death                   –      Recently
  • Cause Of Death               –    Not Stated
  • Biography                    –     A life well lived
  • Impact                               –      Encouraged people to realise their full potential, persevere, and be generous
  • Survivors                           –      Family And Friends
  • Education                          –      Certified

She was one of a kind, and to tell you the truth, I’m sitting here thinking whether or not my life will be the same without her. My heart has been ripped apart by a tremendous void today. Leaning on my faith, keeping memories dear to my heart, and never forgetting her contagious grin and laugh are all things that I will do. Parker shared me a video that he had taken of her not too long ago at a garage get-together, and it is an excellent representation of her.

She had a wild passion for life and lived it to the maximum possible extent. You are my good friend, and I love you. Until the next time we meet. Sabra Briggs’s demise leaves an unforgettable mark on the community of Dodge City, Kansas, which is a very tiny town in the state of Kansas. Her life, which spanned 18 years of friendship and camaraderie, left an indelible mark on the members of society who had the good fortune to be acquainted with her. In the process of coming to terms with the passing of this extraordinary soul