The gruesome discovery of Kawsheen Gelzer’s dismembered body in a Brooklyn apartment has unearthed a disturbing tale involving a registered sex offender and a macabre aftermath following a drug-related dispute. Gelzer, 39, had a history of criminal charges, with his most notable conviction being in 2005 for molesting a 12-year-old boy, leading to his registration on the state sex offender registry.
The chilling details reveal that Gelzer’s life took a tragic turn inside a fourth-floor apartment in Flatbush in September. Sources suggest that a heated dispute over drugs escalated, resulting in Gelzer’s death.
After the fatal incident, his body was reportedly dismembered and stored in plastic bags within a freezer inside the apartment, a gruesome secret known to some within the building.
Dorothy Williams, a tenant in the building, mentioned that the community was aware of Gelzer entering the apartment and never emerging. The unsettling revelation speaks to the atmosphere of secrecy surrounding the crime, with neighbors discussing the mysterious disappearance.
Gelzer’s criminal history further highlights a troubled past, including at least five arrests, with a two-year sentence in state prison for a first-degree sexual abuse conviction. He was released in 2012 from an upstate prison.
The circumstances surrounding his interactions with the apartment’s tenant, Heather Stines, eventually unraveled. Stines reportedly informed the police that her incarcerated husband was responsible for Gelzer’s death, attributing the act to a drug-related dispute. Gelzer’s dismembered remains were discovered on Monday, sealed in a taped refrigerator, prompting a police investigation into the gruesome crime scene. Stines has been identified as a person of interest in the case.
A makeshift memorial for Gelzer, consisting of candles and photos, appeared in the building’s lobby, reflecting a somber acknowledgment of the tragedy within the community. The case underscores the complexity of Gelzer’s life, marked by criminal convictions and an unsettling end that has left those who knew him grappling with the shocking reality of the crime that unfolded behind closed doors.