8.5 C
New York
February 22, 2025

Bigd Decausey Obituary, A Beloved Soul Has Passed Away, Find Out Funeral Details

We want to express our deepest condolences to DJ’s family and friends on its demise. This coming Friday, March 29th, at 10:00 AM, the funeral services for Bigd Decausey will be place at the Lester Gee Funeral Home in Bridgeport for anybody who would want to attend.

As a father, brother, son, and nephew, DJ was an incredible person. It would be very appreciated if you will pray for his family, particularly for his children.

Everyone who would want to pay their respects and gather together to celebrate DJ’s life is more than welcome to come. It will be a moment for the community to gather together, to express our sorrow, and to find comfort in the memories that we hold dear. DJ was not just a nephew by any stretch of the imagination; he was a remarkable person whose presence illuminated the whole room.

His heart of compassion, contagious humor, and warm smile left an indelible mark on the lives of everyone he came in contact with. DJ’s love and commitment to his family had no borders, and he was equally committed to his roles as a father, brother, son, and nephew.

Despite the fact that DJ is not physically here with us anymore, his soul will continue to be kept alive in our hearts for all of eternity. During the most difficult times in our lives, his memory will serve as a guiding light, illuminating us with his love, humor, and memories that we will always remember. May you finally find rest, DJ. You are going to be sorely missed, but you will never be forgotten.

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