8.5 C
New York
February 23, 2025

Scott Mason Obituary (1958 – 2024), In Loving Memory Of Scott Mason – Pelican Rapids, Minnesota

On Monday, March 18, 2024, a person by the name of Scott Alan Mason, who had been a resident of Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, and had reached the age of 65 at the time of his death, passed away. He had reached the age of 65 at the time of his retirement. As at the time of his passing, he had reached the age of sixty-five years old.

At two o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday, February 3rd, a memorial service will be held at Greenlawn Memorial Gardens, which is located at 1621 NC 55 Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina 27526. The date and time of the service are still to be determined. The decision has been made that the memorial service would be held in the cemetery that is situated within Greenlawn Memorial Gardens.

Family members will be present at the Bryan-Lee Funeral Home in Angier beginning at eleven in the morning and continuing until one in the afternoon on Saturday, February 3rd, in order to meet and greet potential guests. This will take place in order to meet and greet anyone who may be attending the funeral.

They will be able to meet and greet those individuals who are interested in attending the funeral as a result of this. This will take place in the funeral home, which will be the location where it will take place, and it will take place in the final few hours before the funeral ceremony. People who are interested in attending the service and reception that will be held at the burial of Scotty are more than welcome to do so. The service will be held at the cemetery.

The burial will take place at the same time as the service. In addition to the service that will be celebrated, there will also be a reception that will take place at the same location. In its capacity as the family’s representative, Calvert Funeral Home was entrusted with the responsibility of effectively carrying out the cremation operations in accordance with the standards that had been established.

As an alternative to sending flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Scott Alan Mason Memorial Fund, with Amy Mason serving as the recipient of the funds. Rather than giving flowers, you may try this option. On the other hand, there are no limitations placed on your capacity to carry out this instruction.

For the benefit of those who are not familiar with the state of Illinois, Jonathan Scott Mason was born on September 29th, 1967 in the city of Joliet, which is located in the state of Illinois during that time period. His mother, Laura Blaesing, was originally from Glasgow, and his father was Michael “Bill” Mason. He was named after his father. He made the decision to adopt his father’s name as his own.

He made the choice to take his father’s name as his own and adopt it as his own. In Sheldon, Illinois, on November 14, 1998, he and Amy Watts tied the knot and became husband and wife. The United States of America was the location of the ceremony. The United States of America served as the geographical setting for the event that was held.

He is survived by his wife, Amy Mason, who resides in Clinton, Illinois; his daughter, Sierra Lynn Mason, who also resides in Clinton, Illinois; his brother, Michael Mason (Marcia), who resides in Channahon, Illinois; his sister, Leslie Wegner, who resides in Sugar Grove, Illinois; his mother and father-in-law, Mary and Jenner Watts, who reside in Dexter, Missouri; his brother-in-law, Matthew Watts (Christy), who resides in Bloomfield, Missouri; and a total of six nieces and two nephews. In addition to his parents, Scotty is survived by his devoted wife of 34 years, Sharon Mason; his son, Clint Mason and his wife, Misty, of Lillington; his daughter, Courtney Fuhrman and her husband, Tyler, of Fuquay-Varina; his brother, Marty L. Mason and his wife, Scarlett, of Lillington; his sister.

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