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New York
February 23, 2025

John Kroll Obituary (1927 – 2024), Longtime LP Farmer Has Passed Away – ST Cloud, MN

Our deepest condolences go out to you on the loss of John Kroll, who was also known by the name Karl John Kroll. He passed away recently. It was on his birthday, March 19, 2024, that Johann Karl Kroll, who was more often known as John, died away in a calm and tranquil manner. It had been some time since he had recovered from his illness. His death occurred when he was 97 years old. He had lived a full life.

At the time of his passing, he had reached that age limit. In 1927, he was born in a brick farmhouse that was situated in close proximity to Long Prairie, Minnesota. His birthplace was in Mississippi. Minnesota was the state where he took birth. Later that day, he passed away on the farm from which he had spent his entire life. He had lived there for his entire life. Although John had a deep affection for each and every person in his life, the people he loved the most were his family and his friends.

He appreciated them more than anybody else. He was under the impression that the bulk of the people he had met were his friends, which was an insult to the hurt that he had already suffered. The activities that he enjoyed doing the most included going to barn dances, having campfires, and going to parties. He also like going to parties. One of the many skills that he possessed was the ability to convince other people to take on the job of event host. He possessed a wide range of skills. While John had always been a farmer, he had a deep affection for draft horses, which he had worked with when he was younger and had done so many years before. John’s affinity for draft horses was great. John had driven his very first John Deere B, which was furnished with 17 horsepower, by the time the year 1935 rolled around. During the course of the preceding year, he continued to drive a tractor that had 135 horsepower for the purpose of carrying out labor in the field.

John would spend his time throughout the day viewing various species of birds. He would do this throughout the course of his day. The man who holds the record for having observed the biggest diversity of bird species is the one who has observed 259 different species of birds inside the confines of Todd County. He is the person who holds the record. He had a passion for growing trees and making use of goods from the forest, particularly maple syrup, in addition to his aptitude in cross-country skiing. He was also enthusiastic about the usage of maple syrup.

Not only that, but he was an expert in the sport. To add insult to injury, he was also a really good skier. He was exceptionally skilled. It was the local carpenter who fashioned his casket out of a maple tree that he had personally cut down with his own hands for the purpose of making the casket. The carpenter was the one who fashioned the casket. John made an attempt to recall the specifics of the history of the family and the region at the same time that he was interested in the history of the family and the location.

As a result of the fact that he had been instructed in English during his schooling, he was a voracious reader who was also fluent in both intermediate and advanced German. Additionally, he was proficient in both of the linguistic variants. In addition, he possessed a deep and comprehensive command of both languages.

It was impossible to ignore the fact that John was a staunch disciple of Christ. This was something that could not be overlooked. He became an active member of Trinity Lutheran church, which was a congregation that he had helped to create, with the support of his great-grandfather.

This congregation was one that he had already helped to establish. In addition to this, he had some sort of connection to the congregation. Before John Kroll was born, his siblings William, Bobby, and Edwin, as well as his parents, Wilhelm and Hulda (Heinck) Kroll, had already passed away. John Kroll was the only child between his parents and his siblings.

For his parents, John Kroll was the only child they ever had. Prior to John’s passing in the year 1988, his first wife of 38 years, Delaine (Schultz) Kroll, passed away. This occurred before John’s death. It was John’s first marriage to her. As a widow, she eventually became John’s spouse. He is survived by his wife of 34 years, Susan (Bloch) Kroll; his children Tom (Mary) Kroll, Tim Kroll, Hans (Lynn) Kroll, and Kate (Tom) Gray; his sisters Irma Johnson and Esther (David) Hartwig; twelve grandchildren; twenty-three great-grandchildren; and a large number of additional family and friends. He was married to Susan for 34 years. Over the course of 34 years, he was married to Susan.

Susan and he were married for a total of 34 years during their marriage. In addition to the fact that John was an outstanding individual, he also possessed a great deal of interest. He was always vigilant, always looking for the great qualities that individuals possessed and the bright spots that might be identified even in the most awful of circumstances. He was always hunting for the bright spots among people.

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