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February 23, 2025

Greg Hanson Obituary, Death, Idaho Falls, ID, Honoring The Memory Of Greg Hanson

It was on Thursday, March 14, 2024, in the woods close to Swan Valley when Greg Edward Hanson, who was 54 years old and from Idaho Falls, passed suddenly. Springfield, Illinois was the location where Greg Hanson was born on November 4, 1969. His parents were George Eddie Hanson and Jeanne Louise Piscitelli Hanson.

The Boy Scouts, church activities, soccer, and whatever hunting and/or fishing excursion he could find were some of the activities he participated in when he was growing up in Springfield. It was in 1988 when he received his diploma from Springfield Southeast High School. After that, he went to Lincoln Land Community College before enrolling at the University of Idaho in 1990. He received his degree in Range Resources from the University of Idaho in 1994 from which he graduated.

While he was employed by the Ketchum Ranger District in 1994, he had the opportunity to meet Michelle Renae Speich. Their wedding took place in Hampton, Iowa, in the year 1996. Greg and Michelle moved to South Dakota in 1997, when Greg began working for the Bureau of Indian Affairs on the Crow Creek Reservation. Michelle also eventually moved to South Dakota. Megan Elizabeth was born into their family in September of 1998 when they were there since they were there.

Greg and his family relocated to Idaho Falls in 1999, when Greg began working for the Palisades Ranger District of the Caribou-Targhee National Forest. Over the years, Greg has continued to work for the same organization. Their family welcomed Caleb Joseph into the world in December of 2002. Greg found the greatest joy in being outside. His children and Caleb’s fellow scouts in Pack/Troop 6 were the one group that he particularly valued sharing that information with.

It was a common joke among him that “hunting season never ends.” He was a hunter, a trapper, and a fisherman who caught anything and everything. Spending time at the ballet, coaching baseball, cheering for Skyline Football and Track, and attending theater and band presentations were all activities that he supported throughout his children’s lives. He shared his passion with his children and encouraged them to pursue other interests. Additionally, he was a devoted supporter of Luther Heights Bible Camp and an ardent member of the First Evangelical Lutheran Church which he attended regularly.

His wife, Michelle Hanson, his son, Caleb (Grace) Hanson, his daughter, Megan Hanson, his parents, George and Jeanne Hanson, his mother-in-law, Della Speich, his brother- and sister-in-law, Barry and Paula Speich, and his nieces, Natalia and Jhanna Golicova, are among those who are able to carry on his legacy. He was preceded in death by his grandfather and grandmother, Eddie and Beulah Hanson and Ted and Mary Piscitelli; his brother, Scott Kish Hanson; and his father-in-law, Norman Speich.

Greg was the younger of three children. On the Thursday, March 21, 2024, at eleven o’clock in the morning, funeral services will be performed at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, which is located at 455 West Sunnyside Road in Idaho Falls. During the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., there will be a viewing for acquaintances and family members. The memorial ceremony will be followed by a luncheon, during which there will be a celebration of Greg’s life, as well as the sharing of food and camaraderie.

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