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New York
February 21, 2025

Matthew Costello Obituary, Death, Philadelphia, PA, Matthew Costello Has Died

The obituary for Matthew Costello can be found in this location. Located in Pennsylvania, New York City The sad news that Matthew Costello has passed away is something that  have to deliver to everyone. saying this with the utmost regret that  possibly can muster. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

Truly sorry for your loss. Concerning the matter at issue, absolutely taken aback and at a loss for words.  completely speechless. Over the span of more than four decades, Matt and have been friends and business partners for a considerable amount of time, respectively.

His friendship has lasted for more than four decades. It was my daughters who came up with the term “Other Matt” to refer to him, and it is something that will be really missed for him. Everyone who had the honor of knowing him will feel a profound sense of loss upon his passing. consider it a fantastic blessing that have been able to call Matthew Costello my buddy for all of those years since he is the only person you will ever meet in your entire life.

Matthew Costello is the only person you will ever meet.It is with great sadness that I would like to convey my most sincere sympathies to his family and friends, whose loss able to comprehend.

would want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual who has reached out to me. Funeral services for Matt will be held on Thursday evening, March 21, and on Friday morning, March 22. Both services will take place on March 18.

There will be two events that take place on March 22. When information regarding the funeral becomes available, it will be posted on this website and updated as soon as it is available. He eventually retired and relocated to the Houghton Lake region after having spent a significant amount of time working on the assembly line for General Motors.

He had been employed there for a considerable amount of time. After working for the company for a number of years, he eventually handed in his resignation and retired. It was Matt, who had been a member of the Houghton Lake Eagles in the past, who was a member of the squad itself. He had a wide range of interests and enjoyed participating in a number of sports, such as hunting, fishing, kayaking, gardening, fly fishing, and various other activities. Generally speaking, he was content with anything that required him to be outside.

His daughter, Kristen (Brandon) Gabany, his life partner, Cathy Miller, his son-in-law, Matt Miller (Courtney), his grandchildren, Greyson, Madilynn, Saige, and Alan, his siblings, Jan Harris (John), Mike Costello (Debbie), Mari Hempel (Dave), and Mark Costello (Brenda), as well as a number of nieces and nephews, and friends, are among those who are left behind after Matt’s passing. Before he reached this point in his life, both of his parents and both of his grandparents passed away.

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