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New York
February 24, 2025

Larry Romack Obituary, Death, Jacksonville Arkansas, Honoring The Life And Legacy Of Larry Romack

To the best of my knowledge, both Michael and Chris have accomplished the level of brown belt in their respective martial arts. With that being said, despite the fact that I am aware of the accomplishments that Allison and Rebecca have achieved, I am unable to recall how far they have progressed in their training. The year also saw Josh and Matt receive their black belt grades, which was a significant accomplishment. The damage that has been done to our hearts makes it impossible for us to make any kind of repair.

I must inform you of the demise of Larry E. Romack, who was not only my closest spouse but also my best friend. It is with a very heavy heart that I must share this information with you. Larry E. Romack was not only my best friend but also my loved one.

On Wednesday morning, Larry abruptly left without giving any prior notice, and his departure came as a total surprise to everyone. The memorial ceremony that will be held will be held at the Second Baptist Church in Jacksonville on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m., and it will be held there. Jacksonville is going to be the location of the event.

The Second Baptist Church can be found in Jacksonville, which is located in the state of Florida. We would appreciate it if you would pray for the Romack family. Please please pray for them. I am thankful to you for the thoughtfulness that you have shown. In this precise instant, it is time for Brother Larry to enter his house and be with Jesus. He should do this immediately.

It is with great regret that I must inform you that Mrs. Lynda’s closest companion has left her as a result of the illness for which she is currently receiving treatment… In addition to having a heart of gold, Brother Larry was also capable of performing the best impression of Kermit the Frog, and he had a sense of humor that was a little bit peculiar.

These are just a few of the attributes that Brother Larry possessed. Throughout the course of a significant number of years, his commitment to the Lord was spread out throughout a wide range of congregations that were located in a number of different places….

As soon as his oldest child started attending classes with me, I was given the chance to collaborate with him and get to know him better. I would like to express my appreciation for this chance. I am thankful that I was given the opportunity to do so. I am grateful for this opportunity. As the final step in the procedure, I made certain that each and every child was provided with instruction.

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