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February 24, 2025

Dagny Geddes Obituary, Death, A Life Lived with Passion and Purpose

An obituary for Dagny Geddes, We were forced to part ways with such a remarkable individual, and it was with a heavy heart and a great deal of regret that we did so. The mother went away without any pain or suffering on March 13th, at the age of 101 percent.

Mom, you had a profound impact on the lives of a huge number of people, and you will be sorely missed by everyone who had the privilege of knowing you through your life. Every single one of us loves you very deeply, mama, and we are grateful to everyone who expressed their sympathies.

She was a powerful and self-reliant lady, and yes, they are some very large shoes to fill. However, no one will ever be able to replace those shoes because they are her shoes and she alone will wear them. Rest easy, mom. Her parents, Andrew Bredahl in 1972 and Thora née Nyhagen in 1978, as well as her three siblings, Baby Arve Bredahl, Arve Bredahl, Maurice Laura Bredahl, and Lillian Don McGowan, as well as Stanley’s parents, James Geddes and Sadie née Bridal, as well as Stanley’s siblings, Keith Geddes and Bud Jean Geddes, as well as his brother-in-law Jack Hobman, passed away before her.

She was predeceased by her husband, Stanley Geddes, in 2003, and her son Bryan Geddes in 2018. A Norwegian citizen born on February 24th, 1923 in Solar.At the age of three, she embarked on the trek to Canada in the year 1926.After settling down, her family moved to the Shaunavon, Saskatchewan area, which is also where she completed her high school education.

Regina was the place where she first met her late husband Stanley, and the couple tied the knot on January 12, 1945.Following a period of ten years spent on their farm in Somme, Saskatchewan, they relocated to Lynn Lake, Manitoba, where they brought up their young family of six children.

She put in forty years of her life working as an insurance agent, a profession that she cherished tremendously, and her clients became friends for life. Over the course of that time period, she participated in a wide variety of activities and clubs. In addition to being a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, she was a committed member of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary and a member of the Royal Canadian Legion for her whole life. The sport of curling was her love, and she participated in a number of bonspiels and tournaments during the course of her sports career.

She was a loyal supporter right up until the day she passed away, and she not once missed a single game.At the time of their retirement in 1998, Dagny and Stan relocated to Treherne, Manitoba.During her later years, Dagny delighted in activities such as collecting berries, playing bingo, and working in her yard.

Additionally, she constantly looked forward to the visits of her family and friends, whom she loved very much.She asserted that her robust “viking roots” were the source of her long, energetic, and prosperous life, which she lived for generations.Her pride in being Norwegian was always quite strong.

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