8.5 C
New York
February 21, 2025

Michael Morris Obituary, Death, In Loving Memory Of Michael Morris

 This is Theresa Edward Morris. A. Michael The sunrise on October 12, 1969 and the sunset on March 12, 2024 are the dates that are significant for the city of Cherry Hill, New Jersey. The man who is married to his wife, Janine N. Morris.Sadly, his parents, Shirley Morris and William Morris, both went away before he was born. You may say that he is the father of Ethan and Owen Morris. Same as Eric Morris’s sibling in every way.

At the funeral services that will be held on Friday, March 15, 2024, commencing at 1:30 PM, friends and family are invited to attend. The funeral services will be place at PLATT MEMORIAL CHAPELS, Inc., which is located at 2001 Berlin Rd. in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. The ceremony will start at precisely 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon. There is the possibility of making memorial contributions to the Boy Scouts of America in his honor on behalf of the organization.
In the end, after a long and difficult fight against cancer, he was finally able to put an end to his suffering.

There is a possibility that you will be able to watch the memorial service livestreamed on the website of the Chapel in the event that you are unable to attend the ceremony in person. We would be thankful if you were interested in coming so that we could assist the caterers with the organizing of the event. We are now working on a light repast that will be served after the presentation, so please keep an eye out for additional details at this time.

Regarding you, I am thankful. Mike Hadorn was raised by his mother, Anna Mary Hadorn, who was originally from Dover. Mike was born on February 16, 1970 in Trenton, Michigan, and his mother became his primary caregiver.

In addition to being a well-liked member of the Class of 1988 at Dover High School, he worked at McDonald’s for eleven years before joining the workforce at INCA Presswood Pallets, where he was a proud employee of the Dover manufacturing site for nineteen years. He was a member of the class of 1988. His phrase “It was the best job ever!” was heard rather frequently.

Mike also operated a DJ service for a number of years, and he gained a great deal of satisfaction from being the one in charge of the music throughout those years. Being familiar with Mike was equivalent to being aware of the fact that he was a major admirer of the band KISS.

They were hunting for the best, and their search was successful because he gave them the best! Mike, a major admirer of KISS, attended each and every concert that the band had ever performed with. Moreover, he possessed a sizable collection of memorabilia that stretched back a considerable amount of time. Mike, on the other hand, never missed an opportunity to enjoy a good musical, watch Grease or Rocky Horror Picture Show, or listen to Elvis. He never denied himself the opportunity to do any of these things.

His niece Samantha Ratchford, who was also his caregiver, and his nephew Cameron Romig, as well as his personal friends Michelle, Michael, and Jenna Festi, Ron and Missy Martin, Dena Provenzano, Susan Mosley, and Scott Kail, and all of his coworkers at INCA, were very close to him.

He was also very close to his family. His mother, his siblings Valerie (Joe) Lefler, Margaret (Butch) Barnhart, Gerald Morris, William (Diane) Morris, Charles (Kathy) Morris, John (Jodie) Morris, Tyson (Sherry) Morris, and Patricia Grewell, as well as a large number of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and his cherished dog, Prince, will miss him. He will also be missed by his beloved dog, Prince. His loved ones will miss him very much after his passing.

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