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New York
February 22, 2025

Christina Flores Obituary, Death, A Precious Life Gone Too Soon

We would like to take this opportunity to convey our deepest condolences to each and every one of you as we share the tragic news that our cousin, Christina Flores, has died away. She had been a patient at Valley Baptist Hospital in Harlingen up to the time of her passing today. Yesterday, he left this world.

In the not too distant future, the funeral arrangements will be communicated to those who are interested. Her daughters, Tina Ruiz (and her husband Francisco), Laura Castillo (and her husband Rene), and Nina Flores (and her husband Ramiro Castillo), as well as her brothers, Roberto Arredondo (and his wife Christina) and Johnny Arredondo (and his wife Maria), her sister Gloria Arredondo, and fourteen grandchildren are among those who are able to carry on her legacy. There are also fourteen grandchildren.

At Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services, relatives of the family will be available to meet and greet prospective guests beginning at five o’clock and continuing until nine o’clock on the evening of Monday, June 5, 2017. This event will take place on Monday. It has been decided that at seven o’clock in the evening, there will be a recital of the rosary. In the chapel of Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services, funeral services are scheduled to take place on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, at nine o’clock in the morning. Both services are scheduled to take place. It has not yet been decided when the services will take place or what time they will begin. Following the conclusion of the funeral service, the burial will take place at the Calvary Catholic Cemetery. This will take place after the funeral.

Despite the fact that her acts of kindness were relatively insignificant, she was able to bring a ray of love and hope into the lives of the people she came into contact with. They left an indelible mark on the hearts of everyone she came in contact with, and they will never be forgotten. Despite the fact that we are in a state of shock over the news of Christina’s passing, we are reminded of the wonderful times we spent with her and the huge impact she had on the lives of everyone who had the good fortune to know her. Due to the fact that her presence brought happiness and light into our lives, we will always treasure the memories that we have of her.

Joy and illumination were brought into our lives simply by virtue of the fact that she was present. It is anticipated that an announcement will be made in the not too distant future concerning the funeral arrangements. The family and friends of Christina will have the chance to gather together and pay their respects and honor her life as a result of this event.

During this trying time, we want Christina’s family to know that they are in our thoughts and prayers, and that we are offering our most sincere condolences to them. We are sorry for the loss of loved one Christina.

Our hearts go out to them as they contend with the challenges that they are facing. It is possible that Christina is no longer physically present with us; yet, her spirit will continue to live on in the hearts of everyone who had the honor of knowing her while she was still living. I hope that her memory will be a blessing, and that we will make it our duty to ensure that her legacy of love, generosity, and compassion is carried on in everything that we do.

I desire that her memory will be a blessing. I want to express my most sincere admiration and respect to you, Christina Flores, and I wish that you are finally able to find the peace and quiet that you so richly deserve. Despite the fact that you are no longer with us, the light that you brought into our lives will proceed to burn brilliantly in our hearts even though you are no longer physically present.

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