Gary Lamprecht, beloved husband, father, and grandfather, passed away on Sunday, October 25, 2009, in Redding, California. He leaves behind a legacy of love and cherished memories that will forever live on in the hearts of those who knew him. Gary was born on January 9, 1946, in San Bernardino, California, and spent the last 31 years of his life in Felton, California. Throughout his 63 years, Gary touched the lives of many with his kindness, compassion, and unwavering dedication to his family. Gary’s greatest joy in life was his family. He was blessed with a loving wife of 44 years, Kitty, with whom he shared countless memories and adventures. Together, they raised four children—Blain, Justin, Tiffany, and Jennifer—who were the light of his life. Gary was a devoted husband and father, always putting the needs of his loved ones above his own.
Gary Lamprecht Obituary Review
Full Name – Gary Lamprecht
Age – Not Stated
Place of Residence – San Luis Obispo California
Date of Death – Recently
Cause Of Death – Not Stated
Biography – A life well lived
Impact – Encouraged people to realize their full potential
Survivors – Family And Friends
Education – Certified