In a small town in South Carolina, a shocking crime unfolded, sending ripples through the community. Lana Clayton, a nurse, stood accused of fatally poisoning her husband, Steve Clayton, with eye drops. The seemingly bizarre and sinister nature of the crime would grip the town, unraveling a tale of deception, motives, and a toxic substance that would shift the investigation into an unexpected direction.
The story begins with Lana Clayton claiming to have found her husband, Steve, lifeless at the bottom of a staircase in their South Carolina home. Steve Clayton, a successful businessman who had established physical therapy clinics, had been married to Lana for five years. Initially, the coroner’s office attributed Steve’s death to a possible heart attack, and Lana’s account of the incident seemed to align with a tragic accident. However, suspicions arose when Steve’s nephew, Nick French, a police officer in a nearby town, rushed to console Lana. He noticed peculiarities in her behavior that raised red flags.