According to a statement that was shared on Instagram by the Corona Fire Department, the collision occurred on the northbound lanes of Interstate 15 just north of the Magnolia Avenue exits at roughly six o’clock in the evening.
This information was provided by the Corona Fire Department. There were two automobiles engaged in the collision, which took place on the lanes of the roadway that directed northward traffic. The collision included three different automobiles.
Two of the vehicles were already on fire when the firefighters arrived at the scene of the accident, despite the fact that they had good intentions when they arrived at the scene of the accident.
“Exposures from an involved medical van that contained multiple oxygen tanks caused the fire to spread to the surrounding vegetation,” the firefighters disclosed to the media. “The damage caused by the fire was extensive.” “The van contained multiple oxygen tanks.
Following the provision of emergency care at the scene of the accident, both of the injured individuals were ultimately transported to a nearby hospital in order to receive additional medical advice and treatment. Due to the fact that they were able to do so, they were able to put out the fire and provide immediate medical help to both of the victims. Upon initial inspection, it was not immediately apparent what kind of physical issues they were going through.
During the time that firemen were resuming their efforts to put out the fire, the Magnolia ramps and the northbound lanes of Interstate 15 were closed, as reported by the Chicago Fire Department. It was during the time that the firefighters were working to put out the fire that this occurred. On the other hand, they have since reopened their doors to customers and are already taking on new customers.