8.5 C
New York
February 20, 2025

Cathy Middlemas Obituary, Cathy Middlemas Has Passed Away – Death

The passing of our cherished grandmother occurred in a manner that was quick and unexpected, and it occurred late on Tuesday night.  In addition to all of us grandchildren who were present by her side, she was encircled by her son and daughter, who were my father Ian and my aunt Caroline. She was also surrounded by her grandchildren.

Although I have never before experienced suffering quite like this, anyone who is familiar with my grandma may attest to the fact that she was truly an extraordinary woman. I have never before experienced anguish quite like this.

In my experience, she was without a doubt the most diligent and hard-working person I have ever encountered, and she consistently put in her utmost effort in all aspects of her life.

She has always been my amazing hero and I have cherished hearing about her incredible life a bit more with every visit (of course, along with a bowl of her famous homemade nana soup that she made a big pot of for us all every weekend). We are going to miss her more than anything else in the entire world.

She is going to be missed by each and every one of us completely. The arrangements for the funeral are now being taken care of, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible to provide you with information about how any members of my family or friends who knew my grandma, Cathy Middlemas, can pay their respects.

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