8.5 C
New York
February 19, 2025

Mary Shanley Obituary, Mary Shanley Has Passed Away – Death

 I am saying my final goodbyes to my mother, Mary Shanley, with a great deal of sadness. Her passing occurred without any discomfort last night. I am grateful that I was able to say my goodbyes in a manner that was significant to me. After a choking event that occurred two years earlier, she never once complained about her body breaking apart before her eyes.

Both her brain and her body stopped working together, and she gradually lost the majority of her body’s capability.

At each and every one of my visits to my mother, I would inquire about how her day was going. Quite to my astonishment, she would react with the word “wonderful.” During the conversation that she had with her primary care physician about the significance of a health decision, she simply stated to Debbie and I, “I have a problem.” At this point, we were all aware that she would be departing.

Despite the fact that I shall miss you for the rest of my life, Debbie Rafael has assured me that she will assist me in being the person that you have always envisioned me to be.
My mother is taking care of me.

Connect 4 was the game that we played with her because she could only use her left hand and arm. She was able to defeat me two out of three times. I inquired about her well-being before she turned unresponsive to my questions.

I put my hand in hers and instructed her to give me a little squeeze if she was okay with it. She gave me a soft grip in response to my request. She tried mouthing phrases. You have my love. I pray that you find eternal rest and that you are able to walk with the Lord Jesus in the heavenly kingdom.


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