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New York
February 20, 2025

Stephen Loughrey Obituary, Is Stephen Loughrey Still Alive?

Mr. Stephen Loughrey passed away unexpectedly on January 13, 2024, at his residence located at 52 Loughanhill Park in Coleraine. It is with the deepest regret that we share the news of his departure. A vacuum that will never be replaced has been left behind as a result of Stephen’s departure. Stephen was a loving son, brother, and friend. We honour a man who left an indelible mark on the hearts of everyone who had the privilege of knowing him as we gather together to recall the life he lived.

A Treasured Son and Brother: A Brief History of Family and Early Life

He was the son of Sandy and Margaret, who passed away, and he was cherished by both of them. As he was growing up in the loving embrace of his family, he established relationships that would later serve as the basis for a life that was passionately filled with love and connection. His siblings, Mark and Richard, who were very dear to him, as well as their separate partners, Ellen and Michelle, were constants throughout his path.

The Specifics of the Funeral and Interment

A memorial service honouring Stephen’s life will be place on Saturday at eleven o’clock in the morning at his residence. After the service, the burial will take place at Ballywillan Cemetery in Portrush, and the procession will go through Gateside on its way there. During this solemn event, family members, friends, and well-wishers will have the chance to express their condolences and say their final goodbyes to a treasured presence in their lives.

Family’s Best Wishes: Donations and Fresh Flowers

Rather than sending flowers, the family respectfully begs that donations be sent to the Injured Riders Welfare Fund in Stephen’s memory. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please send your contributions to Mrs. Mona Murdock at the following address: 31 Bushmills Road, Coleraine. Stephen’s concern for the well-being of others is demonstrated by this compassionate gesture, which he made despite the fact that they were experiencing their own pain.

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