In the quiet town of Hickory, North Carolina, a community mourns the loss of a beloved volunteer pilot, Jeff Cooley. Known for his perpetual smile and compassionate heart, Pilot Jeff dedicated his life to a cause that went beyond the horizon – the rescue and transportation of animals in need.
Today, we pay tribute to this extraordinary man who touched countless lives through his passion for flying. Jeff Cooley’s journey as a volunteer pilot began in 2021, when he joined forces with various rescue and adoption groups, including CrisisdogsNC.
Founder and President, Judith Texier, fondly remembers the remarkable impact Jeff had on their organization. “He flew many missions for us over the years,” she recalls. “A kind man who we could rely on to bring a dog in crisis to a new, better life.” It was Jeff’s boundless enthusiasm and unwavering confidence that set him apart. His commitment to helping animals in need was evident in every flight he undertook. Whether it was transporting a frightened pup from a high-kill shelter to a loving foster home or aiding in the relocation of animals affected by natural disasters, Jeff Cooley was always ready to lend a helping hand – or rather, a set of wings.