Given that our dearly loved great nephew Sage Kane died away tonight, we would like to make a plea that you pray for the families of Meredith, Kane, and Shiflett. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. I would appreciate it if you would continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
People’s hearts will never be the same again as a consequence of the agony that is occurring within their families and communities at this very now.
Sage is accountable for bringing together a huge number of groups and individuals in prayer, love, and support, even when we do not fully comprehend the purpose that God has for our life. Sage is responsible for this.
Specifically, Sage is to blame for this. This matter falls under Sage’s purview of duty. I pray that the Lord will grant him peace and comfort in a manner that can only be offered by Him. This is my hope.
I ask God to help me accomplish this. To begin, I would like to use this time to express my appreciation for the prayers that have been provided, and I would also like to say a prayer that these prayers will continue to be offered today and in the days that will follow. Consistent and enlightened at the same time