8.5 C
New York
February 20, 2025

Latia Greenwell Obituary, Woman Shot & killed in Louisville’s Park Duvalle neighborhood

Latia Greenwell, a vibrant woman who was 31 years old and whose life was tragically cut short on December 19, 2023, in the Park Duvalle neighborhood of Louisville, unfortunately, passed away unexpectedly. We are sorry to notify you of her passing. You are the source of our greatest anguish. According to the statistics provided by the Jefferson County Coroner’s Office, Latia suffered a gunshot wound and ultimately passed away at University Hospital.

The 1700 block of South 32nd Street, which is located adjacent to Algonquin Park and encompasses the intersection of Wilson Avenue and Dr. William G. Weathers Drive, was the location of an incident that took place at approximately 7:30 p.m. When officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department arrived at the location of the incident in response to reports of gunshots, they discovered Latia Greenwell there.

The tragic outcome was that Latia passed away while being transported to the hospital, despite the prompt response and assistance provided by the police. After the event, it was discovered that another woman, who was taken to University Hospital with a stab wound, had most likely been injured at the same location as the female victim who had been hospitalized. As a result of the fact that the police have not disclosed any new information regarding the status of this individual, we are also unaware of what she is going through.

Initial statements made by the police indicated that they believed they had “all parties accounted for” in the investigation; nevertheless, they refused to disclose whether or not anyone had been apprehended. Because of her loss, a great number of individuals in the area, as well as Latia’s family, are in mourning. Those individuals who had the good fortune to have known her will never forget her for the positive impact she had on their lives through her kindness and compassion on their behalf.

During this time of mourning, our thoughts and prayers are with Latia’s family and friends. Please come forward if you have any information regarding this investigation, as the Louisville Metro Police Department is requesting that you do so.

Calling the Latino Metropolitan Police Department’s Crime Tip Line at (502) 574-LMPD (5673) or using the Crime Tip Portal to submit your tip online will allow you to remain anonymous. We pray that the memories of Latia may provide those who are grieving her loss both comfort and strength.

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