8.5 C
New York
February 21, 2025

Dave Bodine Obituary, Death – Funeral Service And Visitation

 Friends of the VAD, with sincere regards We regret to notify you of the passing of Dave Bodine, a friend who had been a volunteer for the Veterans Affairs Department and the MDA for a significant amount of time during his life.

This notice is being made in response to a request made by the family. Dave Barry-Bodine is married to Mary Barry-Bodine, who serves on the board of directors. Mary is his wife.

In addition to managing a Telethon pledge center on Labor Day, Dave and Mary volunteered their time at a camp for several decades. Additionally, they ran a Telethon pledge center.

We would like to express our appreciation to you, Dave, for the many years of dedication and support that you have displayed toward our one-of-a-kind camp family. As Mary, Erin, David Jr., and Jacqueline make their way back home, VAD is keeping them in their thoughts and prayers, as well.

We want Dave to have a peaceful flight so that he can appreciate the tranquility of his travel back home. Going to Pay a Visit During the hours of 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Monday, December 22nd.

Vermeulen-Sajewski Funeral Home, located at 980 North Newburgh Road, Westland, Michigan 48185, may be reached at vermeulenfhw@comcast.net to obtain more information. There is a funeral home in Westland that you can visit.

Funeral Services for the Deceased will be held on Saturday, December 23rd, at 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM. Vermeulen-Sajewski Funeral Home, located at 980 North Newburgh Road, Westland, Michigan 48185, may be reached at vermeulenfhw@comcast.net to obtain more information. There is a funeral home in Westland that you can visit. Celebrations of Life, Funeral Arrangements, and Obituaries:

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