In a devastating turn of events, the Fort Stewart community is grappling with the loss of one of its own, 21-year-old soldier Dylon Andrew Kelly. The young soldier met with a tragic fate on Thursday evening when he was involved in a fatal motorcycle accident on Highway 67 near Statesboro, Georgia. The incident has left family, friends, and fellow soldiers in shock and mourning.
Georgia State Patrol Sr. Trooper Tommy Strickland confirmed the identity of the victim as Dylon Andrew Kelly, putting an end to the initial withholding of his name to ensure proper notification of his family in Illinois. The news has undoubtedly sent shockwaves through both the military and civilian communities, highlighting the unpredictable and unforgiving nature of life.
The unfortunate incident occurred around 6:15 p.m. on Thursday when Kelly was riding his motorcycle behind Gincy Romano, a 37-year-old resident of Highway 280 in Pembroke.
The two were on Highway 67 near Emit Grove Church Road when tragedy struck. Romano, heading north, was preparing to make a left turn into a private drive, according to Sr. Trooper Tommy Strickland.
The exact details of the accident are still under investigation, and authorities are working to piece together the sequence of events leading to the collision. The loss of a young life is always a somber event, and the circumstances surrounding the accident serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of life.
The news of Dylon Andrew Kelly’s untimely death has triggered an outpouring of condolences from the Fort Stewart community and beyond. Fellow soldiers, friends, and acquaintances are coming together to support one another in this challenging time.