8.5 C
New York
February 23, 2025

Jacquline McGregor Obituary, Jacquline McGregor Has Died

 It is with deep sadness that we announce the funeral details for the late Jacquline McGregor of Westburn. A cherished member of our community, Jacquline’s departure has left a void that will be keenly felt by all who had the privilege of knowing her. The funeral service to celebrate Jacquline’s life will be held on Monday, December 18th, at the South Lanarkshire Crematorium at 3 pm.

This will be a time for family, friends, and community members to come together, share their memories, and bid a final farewell to a beloved individual. In accordance with the family’s wishes, they kindly request that only family flowers be offered.

However, for those who wish to express their condolences and make a meaningful contribution in memory of Jacquline, donations to The Beatson in lieu of flowers would be greatly appreciated.

A donation box will be available at the crematorium for this purpose.The Beatson, known for its outstanding work in cancer care and research, is a fitting choice for those who want to honor Jacquline’s memory by supporting a cause close to her heart.

As we gather to remember Jacquline McGregor, let us join hands in offering our support to her family during this difficult time.

The funeral service will not only be an opportunity to bid farewell but also a chance to celebrate the life of someone who brought joy, warmth, and love to those around her. In the spirit of unity and compassion, we extend our deepest sympathies to Jacquline’s family and friends.

May the memories shared and the love expressed during this time of remembrance bring solace and comfort to all who mourn her passing.

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