Margaret Mary Devine, affectionately known as Peggy, bid farewell to the world on December 2, 2023, peacefully departing at the age of 91 in Huntington, NY. Born on May 26, 1932, in the heart of New York City, Peggy was the beloved daughter of the late Hanora Lynch Hulser and William Hulser, Sr. Peggy’s roots were deeply intertwined with Oyster Bay, where she spent her entire life. A devoted resident,
she witnessed the evolution of her community over nine decades, leaving an indelible mark on the town’s history. Her unwavering commitment to Oyster Bay made her a cherished figure among friends and neighbors.
Throughout her life, Peggy exemplified the values of resilience, kindness, and community spirit. Her warm heart and welcoming demeanor endeared her to everyone she encountered. A source of strength for her family and friends, Peggy’s legacy extends far beyond her years.
As we mourn the loss of this remarkable individual, let us celebrate the rich tapestry of Peggy’s life. Her memory will endure in the stories shared by those who knew and loved her, serving as a reminder of the enduring impact one person can have on a community.
Margaret Mary Devine’s legacy lives on, and her spirit will continue to inspire generations to come.