8.5 C
New York
February 23, 2025

Mark DiManno Obituary, A Heavy Heart Endures Another Blow

My brother Matty called me late yesterday night with the tragic news that my oldest brother, Mark DiManno, had passed away unexpectedly. I took the call with a heavy heart because it was delivered by my brother Matty.

The day that Mark left this world was December 1, 2023, when he was 66 years old. He was born on October 13, 1957. In spite of the fact that I am having a hard time coming to terms with this terrible loss, I can’t help but think of the uncanny coincidence that precisely one year ago, over the holiday season, I said goodbye to my younger brother, Douglas McCarthy.

me I struggle to cope with the burden of my loss, my religion serves me a point of stability. I seek the divine might of the Lord to help me through this turbulent road, and prayer is the means by which I receive both peace and guidance.

The hardship of two deaths in the same number of years is a burden that my family must now bear, and my heart breaks for them. Even while the holidays were once a time of happiness and coming together, they now throw a gloomy shadow over our get-togethers.

In the midst of this difficult moment, I pray to the Lord, asking for His compassion and to receive His assistance. I utter in a low voice, “Lord, hear our prayers,” as I seek solace and comprehension.

I pray that the holy light shines over my family, giving them the fortitude to persevere through the suffering and the ability to discover hope in the middle of the gloom. Thank you.

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