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February 20, 2025

Mya Nickels Obituary, Columbus Nebraska, Learn More About Mya Nickels Death

It turned out to be the guy. The first thing I want to say is that I truly wish that we had taken a lot more pictures together, and the second thing I want to say is that I think it’s wonderful that you are no longer visiting this site. My words fail me, but I sincerely wish that those images had been taken more frequently over that time period. I am at a loss for words. I have high hopes that our collection will contain additional photographs of the two of us together.

I would want to express my deepest condolences to each and every member of the Nickel family, but I would like to express my deepest sympathy in particular to Ashley and the rest of her family. We started working at Super Saver while we were in the eighth grade, and it was also the place where we first became friends with one another.

This was around the time that we started working there for the very first time. over the course of a period of six years, to establish amazing relationships with members of the band while working together with them.

The” The Ira A. Myra Ira You were the bright light that made my day brighter during the length of my time spent in high school, and I am certain that I will miss you a great deal going forward.

I was aware that going to band would be such a great experience for me because you were in class on that specific day. I did this because I knew that going to band would be useful for me.

It was without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that watching the band perform would be an experience that I would never forget. In spite of the fact that Mr. Peabody was required to relocate us, this does not in any way constitute a problem as far as we are concerned.

My beloved Mya, things that you are going to accomplish are going to be great. As you go through this difficult time, know that I am thinking about and praying for you and every member of your family.

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