8.5 C
New York
February 23, 2025

Josh Stueber Obituary Fond Du Lac Wisconsin, Josh Stueber Has Died

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we bid farewell to our dear friend and colleague, Josh. I feel greatly honored to have had the privilege of getting to know him and working alongside him during our time together, from the bustling days at Kohler to the camaraderie in the shop.

Josh was more than just a coworker; he was the embodiment of positivity and camaraderie. No matter the challenges we faced, he had a remarkable ability to lighten the mood with his infectious smile or a well-timed joke.

His presence had a transformative effect on the room, making even the toughest days more manageable. In the shop, Josh was the go-to guy—a reliable and dedicated team member who left an indelible mark on everyone he worked with.

His absence has undoubtedly left a void that cannot be filled. The shop, once filled with his laughter and energy, will never be quite the same without him running around, bringing life to every corner.

As we reflect on this year without Josh, our hearts ache, and we realize just how much we miss our dear friend. Rest easy, Josh. Your memory lives on in the stories we share and the fond recollections of the times we spent together.

Our thoughts are with your family, and we continue to cherish the legacy of joy and camaraderie you left behind.

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